Dr. Shameka Stewart, Esq., Ph.D., CCC-SLP/L
The Juvenile Forensic Speech-Language Pathologist
Associate Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders
Incorporating TECH-Knowledge-Y
Technology is the new "wave" of how pedagogical knowledge is presented to our students, professionals, and the individuals we serve in the community.
My love and passion for the field of communication and sciences disorders and technology have merged over the years. I begin my professional career as a Computer Scientist with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science/Computer Information Systems. I was later introduced to Communication Disorders, and pursued a research thesis in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Since the completion of my Masters of Education in Communication Disorders, I have been actively incorporating technology into my clinical and academic careers.
TECH-knowlege-Y is my play on words for Technology. It is a term that encompasses my passion and experience with technology and how I have actively incorporate it into my teaching, research and service to the Communication Sciences & Disorders graduate programs and communities I service over the years.
In the area of teaching and clinical training of graduate students, I am a strong user and advocate of technology integration. I prefer to incorporate technology into all aspects of my curriculum. As technology advances and the student generations become more technologically savvy, it is necessary that we as instructors meet the students at their level of learning and communication to this extent.
As a result, I utilize various modes of technology such as social media (Facebook, twitter, and Instagram) and online educational platforms (Issuu, Versal, Recap It, and blackboard).
Below you will find examples of my interactive course activities that have incorporated some form of technology.
Dr. S. Stanford
Early Intervention Interactive Facebook Case Studies

The Early Intervention Facebook Interactive page was designed to engage students in live case studies and clinical critical thinking skills assignments. Students are able to receive real-time feedback, engage in group discussions, and access Facebook Live supplemental lectures with the Professor - Dr. Stanford.
IDCO-PARSI Research Study Trailer
The IDCO-PARSI (Interdisciplinary Collaboration - Phonological Awareness and Reading Skills Intervention) grant was a grant used to investigate the effects of an IPad-based collaborative instructional method on six first graders identified as at-risk for reading delays. The collaborative instructional method was implemented by six educators and communication disorders graduate students randomly assigned into three dyads in two phases.
Research Practicum Let's Recap Virtual Interactive
The Virtual Child is an online simulation proogram that required the students in the School-Age Language Disorders course to raise a child from birth - eight years old addressing their speech and language needs in parent dyads. This course was created for psychology and early chi;dhood education majors. However, I modified the course and the questions and activities within to provide case studies, scenarios and treatment and assessment decisions that would impact their child's life.
The mock trial was an assignment for the Language Development/Language Acquisition class that required them to as a team defend the Nature or Nurture Theory of Language Development using notes, video clips and simulated scenarios. Students from the School-Age Language Disorders Class acted as the jury and made the final decision on who defended their case best.
School-Age Language Disorders Scavenger Hunt 2014

The Scavenger Hunt was a critical thinking, electronic case study supplied to the students enrolled in the School-Age Language Disorders course I taught in Fall 2014. The students were required to use thier smart phones to collect case study clues presented in QR codes. Once all case study clues were collected they were required to choose an assessment, SMART goals, and lesson plan with activities for the child. At the completion the students were required to discuss their findings and justify their choice of assessment and activities.
2015 COSD Department Digital Newsletter
This publication is a creative works adopted from the former Department Chair Dr. Wright-Harp that documents highlights, accomplishments, research, and best practices of students, faculty, and clinical staff in the Communication Sciences and Disorders department at Howard University. Each publication a Graduate Master's student assisted with conducting interviews, transcribing interviews, and formatting the document.